“Sie meinen es politisch! 100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht in Österreich”
On the 7th of March 2019, one day before the International Women’s Day, a wonderful exhibition “Sie meinen es politisch! 100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht in Österreich” has been opened in Vienna, Austria.
The project was brought to life by Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zeitgeschichte (ÖGZ) and Johanna Dohnal Archiv in the cooperation with Volkskundemuseum Wien, Frauenmuseum Hittisau, Kreisky-Archiv, Audiovisuellen Archiv, Referat Genderforschung an der Universität Wien.
AHA representatives as well our volunteer for the film – Dunia visited the exhibition.
The opening session was much interesting with its opening speeches, which again reminded us about the importance of the (women’s) voting rights. The reminder for taking the acquisition of this right not as a given ‘real’ condition, rather seeing it as a contingency of making it into Reality as such and giving it the political weight in order to be able of changing today’s social-political order with its power asymmetries.
The exhibited items and themes very much different, beginning from original historical articles and objects, including some imitations of ballot boxes. Interesting video and audio material, creative objects and the joy of celebrating 100 years of women’s voting rights make the experience of visiting this exhibition much memorable.
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