
Jump Over the Walls

Saturday, 9. March 2019 (in polish)
10:00 – 13:00
Przeskoczyłam mury , warsztat biograficzno-historyczny. Zgłoszenia;
Saturday, 16. March 2019 (in english)
10:00 – 13:00
Jump Over the Walls, biographic-historical workshop

Those editions of the workshop are connected to the 100th anniversary of the vote rights for women. The participants of different age and nationality are especially cordially invited. We will learn about the history of women’s emancipation and we will exchange stories about our own emancipation. The participance is free of charge.

The biographic-historical workshop on women’s emancipation will give an opportunity to consider the short period of the political participation of women and what it mean for us today. The participants will broaden their knowledge about the most recent history of the women’s emancipation.

They will also have an opportunity to reflect the interconnections between women’s history and both the own biography and the biographies of the other participants.

The workshop is organised by Dr. Sławomira Walczewska, philosopher, feminist author and activist