Lawyer and feminist, internationalist, pacifist politician, she was one of the first women MP’s in Spain, 1931-33, Director of Public Assistance in the Government, 1933-1934.
Spanish women owe her their right to vote. In 1931, she alone struggled for women’s suffrage and after a hard debate within the Spanish Parliament she won it. Spain was the first Latin country to obtain it.
In 1929, she founded the Madrid Lyceum Club, and the same year, together with five women lawyers from different countries, she also founded the International Federation of Women Lawyers.
In Madrid, Campoamor also founded the “Liga Femenina Española por la Paz”, a Spanish Peace Women organization linked to WILPF.
As president of the “Juventud Universitaria Femenina”, member of the International Federation of University Women, in 1928 she organized the 12th Congress of the Federation, which was held in Spain.
She was a delegate of the Spanish Government at the Assembly of the League of Nations, where she networked with the Women’s International Organizations and took part in the presentation of a Resolution, which was passed, about the contribution of women to peace. She worked together with the “Lliga Femenina Catalana per la Pau i la Llibertat”, the other organization linked to WILPF in Spain, lecturing in the campaign for disarmament, 1932, in Barcelona. She also was a member of the National Committee of Women against war and Fascism.
Among her outstanding books: Woman vote and Me. My Mortal Sin, 1936. She died, exiled, in Lausanne. (Carmen Magallon)
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