The project «600784-1» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”
Strand 1 – “European Rememberance
6 major events have been carried out within this project:
Event 1
Participation: The event involved 300 participants, including participants from the city of Munich and Berlin, Augsburg, Frankfurt (Germany), 1 participant from the city of Krakow (Poland), 5 from Zurich and Bern (Switzerland), 1 from London (UK), 25 from the city of Vienna (Austria).
Location / Dates: The events took place in Munich and Berlin, Ebersberg, Bad Tölz, Gauting, Rosenheim, Augsburg, Frankfurt (Germany), Vienna (Austria) from 11/09/2018 to 25/11/2019; the film of the play was shown to a large additional indirect public and the script distributed (1500) and will continue to be shown and distributed after the end of the project in schools, universities and cinemas.
Short description: Theatre play, researched and written by the actresses, additional role plays, and documentation via film, brochure and website. The aim of the event was to identify the history of women’s voting rights and activities at the end of WW1 as often neglected “her-story” and link the requests of courageous historical women to discussions on current political and societal challenges and women’s active and visible participation.
Event 2
Participation: The events involved 80 citizens, including 50 participants from the city of Munich (Germany),
4 participants from the city of Berlin, 4 from the city of London and Edinburgh (UK), 2 from The Hague and Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2 from Krakow and Warsaw, Poland, 2 from Vienna and Innsbruck (Austria), 2 from Zurich (Switzerland), 2 from Zaragoza (Spain), 1 from Treviso (Italy).
Location / Dates: The events took place in Munich and Berlin (Germany), from 27/11/2018 to 09/12/2018
Short description: The event was split in 2 entities: European interactive seminar in Munich, including an open public cultural event, to inspire for political commitment cross-border in Europe. The Berlin event was the official kick-off meeting of the project partners.
Event 3
Participation: The event involved 390 citizens (120 volunteers for research in the UK, Germany, Holland, Austria, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Lebanon, US, Australia, Poland, France, Finland, 40 for a public event in the UK, 200 for the re-enactment, 30 for technical assistance).
Location / Dates: The research activities took place in London (UK), Germany, Holland, Italy, Austria, Spain, France, Italy, Poland a.m. from 10/10/2018 to 18/11/2019; the film premiere was 30/08/2019 in the UK – further representations of the published film in the UK, Austria, Hungary, a.m. are scheduled in 2019/2020; research is documented on the project website. Indirect participants (active and not yet active) already 1500.
Short description: Combination of historic research with re-enactment of the women’s peace conference in Zurich, to show the influence that women requested on the Versailles negotiations, struggles for voting rights and participation in decision-making. script, workshops and articles on aspects for a sustainable future documented in a book.
Event 4
Participation: The event in Krakow involved 80 participants, 63 citizens from the city of Krakow/Poland, 2 from Lithuania, 5 from Munich/Germany, 10 from London/Edinburgh in the UK.
The event in Warsaw involved 230 participants, including 150 participants from Warsaw/Poland, 80 from Munich/Germany, Vienna/Austria, London/ UK, Budapest/Hungary, Paris/France, Rome/Italy, Norway, from Argentina ao.
Location/Dates: Warsaw 29/03/2019 – 31/03/2019; Krakow: 03/03/2019-19/03/2019
Short description: in Krakow 2×2 days seminars on individual and collective remembrance took place, combined with 2 public cultural events; in Warsaw a 3 days international conference with the focus on feminist aspects of history combined with current political struggles in Poland and beyond involved many indirect participants in public manifestations (500).
Event 5
Participation The event involved 200 citizens from all over Spain in Zaragoza and Madrid, including 5 participants from Munich/Germany and 500 participants in a public manifestation as part of the event in Zaragoza
Location/Dates The events took place in Zaragoza (Spain) 07/02/2019 and Madrid (Spain) 28/03/2019, from
Short description:
Academic discourses at the universities on women’s history and suffragism, accompanied by an exhibition, public demonstration, public debates, lectures, discourses about the links from history to present and future.
Event 6
Participation: The event in Vienna involved 70 participants; 52 from Vienna/Austria, 2 from Zurich/Switzerland, 5 from Munich/Germany, 2 from London and Manchester/UK, 2 from Krakow and Warsaw/Poland, 1 from Lithuania, 1 from Kiew/Ukraine, 3 from Zaragoza and Madrid/Spain, 2 from Hungary
The additional event in Budapest involved 40 participants 28 from Budapest, 5 from Munich/Germany, 2 from Krakow and Warsaw Poland, 2 from Vienna/Austria, 3 from London/UK
Location/Dates Vienna 18/12/2019-20/12/2019, Budapest 15/12/2019-17/12/2019
Short description: The Vienna event combined the final evaluation and future project ideas with feminist lectures, artistico-political workshops and film screening. The added event location in Budapest provided the occasion of intensified group discussions, plenaries on feminist aspects of history, linked to actual political challenges, solidarity actions and film screening.
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